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Sanctions and the Dollar as a Political Instrument

Following Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine, the international community, led by the U.S., has imposed stringent sanctions aimed at restricting Russian access to major currencies like the dollar, pound, and euro. These measures are designed to constrict Russia’s war capabilities and apply economic pressure. Putin laments this strategy, stating, “It is a stupid thing to do and a grave mistake.” He believes that such use of the dollar undermines its position as a stable global reserve currency.

Global Currency Dynamics and the BRICS Bloc

Putin highlighted the efforts of the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, along with new members such as Saudi Arabia and Iran—to move towards alternative currencies for their trade exchanges. Despite these endeavors, the U.S. dollar continues to dominate as the primary reserve currency, holding a significant share according to the International Monetary Fund’s recent data.

Tucker Carlson: Bitcoin as the Path to Financial Sovereignty

Concurring with Putin’s criticism, Tucker Carlson, the controversial media personality ousted from Fox News, has championed Bitcoin as a means to achieve financial independence. At a recent business conference, Carlson emphasized Bitcoin’s potential, not as a wealth accumulation tool, but as a safeguard against currency devaluation by authorities. Referencing his own experiences with financial censorship, Carlson sees Bitcoin as a way to circumvent government control over monetary systems.

Controversy and Consequences

Despite the alignment of views on currency control, Carlson faced criticism for not pressing Putin on various other issues during their interview. Media critics labeled him a “useful idiot,” suggesting that his approach was tailored to appeal to his conservative base during an election year. In the wider political arena, the White House has cautioned against taking Putin’s statements at face value, given the geopolitical tensions and ongoing conflicts.


The discourse around the U.S. dollar’s role in international politics and the search for financial autonomy continues to evolve. With high-profile figures like Putin and Carlson weighing in, the conversation takes on new dimensions, reflecting the complex interplay between national interests, economic strategies, and the quest for monetary independence in a rapidly changing world.


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