Moscow, Russia – Despite its firm resistance to recognizing cryptocurrencies as a valid form of payment, the Bank of Russia is showing signs of a softened approach towards crypto investments, contingent on thorough risk assessment.

Steadfast on Payment, Flexible on Investment

The monetary authority of Russia continues to uphold its view that cryptocurrencies should not be used as legal tender in the country. Nonetheless, a recent development has emerged from the words of Olga Polyakova, the deputy governor of the Bank of Russia, during a public forum. In a statement reported by the TASS news agency, Polyakova said, “We do not view cryptocurrencies as legal tender within the territory of the Russian Federation. While investment is possible, there arises the question of the investor’s ability to adequately assess the risks involved.” This nuance in the central bank’s rhetoric hints at a possible new direction for crypto investments in Russia.

Legalization on the Horizon?

For the first time, the central bank has publicly acknowledged the possibility of legalizing crypto investments, with the precondition of proper due diligence by investors. This comes after a history of the Bank of Russia highlighting the dangers associated with the volatile crypto market.

Fraud Schemes Involving Crypto

In a concerning statistic released by the central bank, it was revealed that a significant portion of financial fraud in Russia during 2023 was connected to cryptocurrencies and foreign currencies. Out of 5,735 fraudulent cases, 2,944 involved financial pyramid schemes, showing an increase from the previous year. Additionally, roughly 1,500 scams, which equates to 26% of the total, employed cryptocurrencies to solicit funds, taking advantage of the anonymity provided by blockchain technology.


The Bank of Russia’s latest statement may pave the way for a regulated crypto investment environment in the future. However, the bank’s concern over the investor’s risk assessment capabilities and the high incidence of crypto-related fraud schemes reminds us that caution is paramount in the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency regulation.

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