David Schwartz Supports Proposed Governance Changes for XRPL Foundation

In a move that underscores the importance of community input, Ripple’s Chief Technology Officer, David Schwartz, has voiced his support for a fresh governance proposal aimed at revamping the XRPL Foundation’s structure. This endorsement comes in the form of an enlightening X post dated January 29, 2024.

Community at the Heart of Governance

David Schwartz, also known by his Twitter handle @JoelKatz, is advocating for a “straw man” approach to the proposed governance changes. This initial concept serves to ignite conversation and gather diverse perspectives from across the community. Schwartz’s public statements not only clarify his position but also demonstrate his proactive sharing of the proposal with key figures within the XRPL community, including XRPLF leaders.

Fostering Transparency and Democracy

At the core of Schwartz’s support is a desire to enhance the democratic nature and transparency of governance within the XRPL ecosystem. He stresses that the community does not require explicit permission to offer ideas, reiterating the open invitation for all members to participate in the governance process.

Support for David Fuelling’s Vision

The Ripple CTO has shown particular support for the governance update proposal put forth by community member David Fuelling. These changes, as Schwartz believes, are crucial for establishing a governance model that is both transparent and inclusive.

Democratizing the XRPL Foundation

Fuelling’s proposal is driven by a community-centric vision that aims to democratize the XRPL Foundation. It calls for a more defined membership model and sustainable funding methods, striving to transform the Foundation into an entity that is governed by its members and inclusive of the wider community.

Open Dialogue and Collaborative Refinement

Before making his proposal public, Fuelling engaged with XRPL Foundation leaders and developers to foster an open dialogue. The goal is to collaboratively refine the proposal, ensuring that it aligns with the community’s values and the objectives of the XRPL Foundation.


While some concerns have been raised about the potential impact of the proposed changes, Fuelling remains committed to securing sustainable funding for the Foundation without compromising its integrity. With Schwartz’s support, the proposal is set to spur constructive discussions that could shape the future governance of the XRPL Foundation.

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