Presidential candidate Kennedy opposes CBDCs, citing civil liberties concerns

The Stance of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In an era where digital currency is gaining momentum, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a notable participant in the upcoming U.S. presidential election, has publicly declared his opposition to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). Kennedy’s concerns mirror the apprehensions previously articulated by former President Donald Trump, as they both advocate for the protection of civil liberties that they believe CBDCs could compromise.

Implications for Privacy and Freedom

During a recent video release, Kennedy underscored the potential for CBDCs to allow for unprecedented governmental surveillance over individual financial transactions. He warned that this could lead to scenarios where citizens could be subjected to coercion or blackmail. Citing the digital yuan and China’s social credit system as a cautionary tale, he expressed concern over the possibility of the U.S. adopting a similar approach, which could result in the government having the power to cut off access to one’s own funds.

Political Support and Opposition

The debate over CBDCs has escalated to a notable political issue, garnering attention from various political figures. Kennedy, who has hinted at a potential candidacy under the Libertarian Party, has pledged to halt any progress toward a U.S. CBDC if he were to be elected. He has also praised the virtues of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin for safeguarding financial autonomy. In a parallel vein, former President Trump has reaffirmed his disapproval of CBDCs, aligning with Kennedy’s views and promising to thwart any movement toward their establishment in the U.S.

The Federal Reserve’s Position

Amidst the political clamor, the Federal Reserve maintains a stance of caution. Jerome Powell, the Fed Chair, has indicated that the decision on adopting a digital dollar is still under deliberation, with no concrete plans for implementation in the immediate future.

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