Kaspersky warns of new MacOS malware targeting crypto wallets

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Kaspersky has issued a warning to MacOS users: a nefarious new malware is on the prowl, aiming its sights directly at cryptocurrency wallets. This malware is a significant security threat, specifically engineered to compromise MacOS versions 13.6 and upwards.

Understanding the Threat

The malicious software in question is craftily designed to target users of popular Bitcoin and Exodus wallets. By masquerading as a legitimate version of wallet software, the malware tricks users into installing a counterfeit application.

How the Malware Spreads

According to the detailed analysis by Kaspersky, this malware diverges from the typical trojans. It spreads through pirated applications found on questionable websites. Once a user seeks out such a cracked app, they may inadvertently disable security settings, leaving their system vulnerable to the malware.

The Novel Technique

This particular Trojan is unique as it employs DNS records to deploy a harmful Python script, a method not seen in previous attacks. This cunning approach not only steals wallet data but goes a step further by replacing the real wallet application with a fraudulent one, thus gaining access to the secret recovery phrases.

Advice from Experts

Sergey Puzan, a security researcher at Kaspersky, highlights the innovative method of hiding a Python script in a DNS server’s record. This technique makes the malware less detectable in network traffic. He emphasizes the importance of downloading applications from reputable sources like the Apple App Store, keeping the operating system up-to-date, and using robust security solutions.

Wider Cybersecurity Concerns

This latest malware threat is indicative of a broader trend of cyber-attacks focusing on cryptocurrency assets. Notably, North Korean hackers have been utilizing sophisticated tactics to compromise Bitcoin wallets by impersonating legitimate entities.

Recent Attacks

In a report from crypto.news in November 2023, these hackers deceived 19 victims, which led to a significant loss of cryptocurrencies. Additionally, a June 2023 report by Elliptic Connect revealed that the Lazarus group, associated with North Korea, pilfered over $35 million in various cryptocurrencies from Atomic Wallet users.

Staying Safe

MacOS users are advised to remain vigilant and proactive in protecting their digital assets. By adhering to cybersecurity best practices and staying informed about the latest threats, users can safeguard their cryptocurrency wallets against such invasive malware.

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