Crypto Hackers Strike Big in January

In a relentless surge of cyber heists, January witnessed crypto criminals absconding with over $39 million from web3 infrastructures, underscoring the persistent skirmish in the digital domain between blockchain-based platforms and nefarious hackers.

January’s Notorious Five: A Summary of Losses

Quantstamp, a prominent player in defi security, has identified five smart contract platforms that bore the brunt of January’s heists, cumulatively forfeiting $38.9 million to a variety of sophisticated cyberattack techniques.

Gamma Strategies: Flash Loan Fiasco

Gamma Strategies became an early victim, with a flash loan assault on January 4th leading to a loss of $6.1 million due to a critical code vulnerability. The platform took immediate action to halt deposits and patch the security gap.

Radiant Capital: Exploited Market Vulnerability

On January 3rd, just hours before Gamma’s incident, Radiant Capital faced a $4.5 million loss due to an exploit targeting newly activated markets on their lending protocols. The defi lender quickly suspended its Arbitrum-based USDC pool and resumed operations post-investigation, ensuring no user funds were compromised.

Socket’s Setback: ETH Heist

Mid-month on January 16th, Socket fell prey to a hack through a user verification input flaw, resulting in nearly 2,000 ETH (over $4 million) being stolen. Socket managed to recover approximately half of the stolen ETH and reimbursed all affected users.

Goledo Finance: Flash Loan Attack Repeat

Goledo Finance suffered a $1.7 million theft via a flash loan exploit similar to Gamma’s. The platform is currently in talks with the perpetrator, has frozen the hacker’s exchange accounts, and is working on a restitution strategy in collaboration with law enforcement.

Wise Lending’s Oracle Manipulation Mishap

Wise Lending was hit with a flash loan attack on January 12th, resulting in a loss of at least $460,000 by manipulating the protocol’s price oracle. This marked the second such attack on the protocol within a six-month span.

Conclusion: The Crypto-Web3 Security Challenge

The events of January are a stark reminder of the sophisticated threats facing the crypto and web3 ecosystems. As platforms evolve, so too do the tactics of cybercriminals, making the need for advanced security measures more pressing than ever.

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