In an industry where innovation is pivotal, crypto startups are now veering away from the airdrop culture to embrace loyalty point systems, aiming to enhance user engagement and retention. This article explores the reasons behind this shift and the implications it carries for both users and the regulatory landscape.

The Decline of Airdrops

Token airdrops, once a staple for attracting new users, are seeing a decline in popularity among crypto startups. The reason? A growing realization that airdrops have a minimal long-term effect on user retention. Additionally, the increasing scrutiny from regulators has made airdrops a less viable option for these companies.

Rising Popularity of Loyalty Programs

As a strategic pivot, many startups are now implementing loyalty programs. These programs promise to offer more than just free tokens; they aim to create a system of rewards that encourages ongoing engagement. However, the lack of clarity on the redemption process has led to user dissatisfaction and raised eyebrows from industry experts.

A Case Study: Blast’s Blockchain Project

Blast represents a significant example of this new trend. Despite the absence of an operational blockchain, Blast’s loyalty points system has garnered over $1.3 billion in crypto investments. Investors and users are eagerly awaiting the May 24 reveal, which will detail how these points can be utilized within the ecosystem.

Challenges and Criticisms

Compared to token airdrops, loyalty points do not have the same capacity to distribute a project’s tokens widely. Furthermore, since these programs are typically not based on blockchain technology, they lack the transparency that users have come to expect in the crypto space. This opaqueness makes it difficult to assess the true scale and impact of these loyalty programs within the broader market.


The shift from airdrops to loyalty points is a testament to the evolving strategies of crypto startups as they navigate user engagement and regulatory compliance. While this approach has potential, the lack of transparency and detailed redemption processes are areas that require attention. Only time will tell if loyalty programs can truly replace airdrops as the go-to strategy for building a dedicated user base.

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