Former Employee Accused of Facilitating $80 Million Attack on Orbit Bridge


A shocking revelation has emerged from the South Korean blockchain enterprise Ozys, the developer of the Orbit Bridge protocol. The company has leveled serious allegations against a former employee, accusing them of playing a pivotal role in a security breach that led to an $80 million financial disaster.

Inside The Allegations

Details of the case suggest that the accused individual, who had previously tendered their resignation, may have intentionally sabotaged the protocol’s security measures. Ozys claims that two days before leaving the company, the former employee tampered with the internal firewall settings, potentially laying the groundwork for the cyber attack that followed.

The Aftermath of Resignation

Despite resigning on November 22, 2023, the individual in question failed to inform the company of the critical changes made to the security infrastructure. This omission came to light only after the breach had already occurred, leading to significant financial losses and operational disruption.

Investigation and Legal Action

Current reports indicate that Ozys has taken the matter to law enforcement, seeking to validate the claims against the former employee. In addition, the company has initiated legal proceedings, demanding compensation for the damages incurred as a result of the alleged internal sabotage.

Collaborative Efforts to Resolve the Crisis

The investigation into the incident is a collaborative effort involving Ozys, cybersecurity firm Theori, the National Intelligence Service, local police, and the Internet and Security Agency. Authorities are also exploring the possibility of involvement by the notorious North Korean hacker group, Lazarus.

Commitment to Recovery

Ozys has been transparent with its user base, committing to keep them informed about the recovery plan for the stolen funds and the timeline for its implementation. The incident has had a profound impact on the Orbit Bridge community, and the company is taking every measure to rectify the situation and prevent future vulnerabilities.


As the investigation continues, the crypto community is reminded of the importance of robust security protocols and the potential risks posed by internal threats. The outcome of this case could set a precedent for how blockchain companies handle security breaches and the accountability of their staff.

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